Our Past Research Projects

Microplastic transport through the ocean-atmosphere interface with implications into marine life and climate

Investigating the relationship between microplastics in the marine environment and the atmosphere.

Anthropocene landscapes in Aotearoa New Zealand

Effective management of rivers in a world where humans are the dominant driver of geomorphic change.

Greener antimicrobial agents against myrtle rust

Developing environmentally friendly antimicrobials as alternatives to currently used fungicides against myrtle rust.

Can a native herb treat Kauri dieback?

As the devastating disease kauri dieback continues to spread, an interdisciplinary team of researchers is testing the use of another native New Zealand plant, horopito, as a possible solution.

Building public understandings of ecosystems

Combining science with the art of communication, this project aims to enhance ecological engagement and education.

Kelp forest carbon – the missing link?

This project will assess the value of restoring and conserving kelp forests for mitigating human CO2 emissions.

Connecting to the Mauri of the Moana

Using a community based, qualitative monitoring methodology as a process to connect with and consider the mauri of local marine ecosystems.

Novel modelling approaches to improve conservation outcomes for whitebait

This research project aims to improve management best practice for whitebait.

Carbon cycling in marine soft-sediment habitats

Unlocking the ‘black box’ of carbon cycling in marine soft-sediment habitats.

Our changing rivers

This project aims to increase the effective management of our waterways by enhancing our understanding of their processes.

Hilltops to oceans

This series of projects studies the flow of organic matter and nutrients from the land to the sea, aiming to understand the role of natural ecosystems and identify methods for protecting them.

The negotiation of a predator free nation

A new project, led by Dr Brendon Blue, examines how efforts to make Aotearoa New Zealand ‘predator-free’ by 2050 are being negotiated and enacted.

Plastic pollution and solutions

As concern grows over the impact of microplastics on our environment, Professor Kevin Simon and Professor Gavin Lear are heading a project to find a potential solution to the problem.

Statistical acoustics

Historically, measuring the environmental changes in Tikapa Moana Te Moananui ā Toi (Hauraki Gulf) ecosystem has been a challenge. Now a project run by Associate Professor Craig Radford and his team is testing new methods for gauging the health of the area.

GMCNE seed projects

The George Mason Centre for the Environment provide seed funding for several smaller projects. Read about some of them below.